Holiday Hockey Camps & Workshops
Youth hockey 8 of 10

8. Holiday Hockey Camps & Workshops

Our camps and workshops for hockey players aged 8-18 are led by our top coaches Shenarda Dedic and Sholto Morgan, supported by a high-quality coaching team.

DATES 2024:

age group: 8-12 year oldsage group: 13-18 year olds
venue: Woollams Astro venue: Oaklands College
time: 10.00-15.00 time: 18.30-20.30
19 August TBC
20 August TBC
21 August TBC
31 October TBC
1 November TBC

PRICES 2024:

1 CAMP DAY £50
3 CAMP DAYS £135
1 WORKSHOP (2 hours) £45*

* discounts will be available for attendance at multiple workshops.

The camps are for players aged 8-12 years old of all abilities, with no hockey experience required.
They are open to members and non-members and for both outfield players and goalkeepers.
The camps are targeting the development of world class foundations in our sport and will:

  • give all players the opportunity to develop their current skills
  • learn from top coaches and players
  • focus more on tactical play and game understanding

The workshops are for players aged 13 - 18 years, and will split into ability groups.
There will be specialised topics which are being developed at the moment and further information will be provided soon.

Please contact the club (see below) about which day(s) you should attend the camps as there will be GK provision but not necessarily on every camp date.

For bookings please go to the Club Shop and purchase the dates your player would like to attend. If you are not a Club Member and cannot access the shop, please contact the Head of Youth who will be able to assist.

For further information, please contact the Head of Youth.